wedding planning

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

:: pannaz pannaz yummy yummy ::


arini genap 7hari xde liputan dari :: Bubbly Me :: huhu so sowi la... maybe ummi ni still stuck dgn mood mandom tu lagik...anyway ummi still ade serpihan2 mood utk short entry..

ptg ni insyaAllah pas blk keje & settlekan si debod2 tu, abah bb izz nk bawak mamam kt restoran best... last 2weeks dh pegi dh, best ..kelazatan masih terase hihihi so arini plan nk gi lagi..

gi mane?? restoren sedap?? lazatkah??

haa try surf sini..

chef die ex chef kat marche... patut la taste die mcm familiar aje...

sedikit sedutan:

mcm ni la dalam restoran tu.. ok2 la.. rs2 mcm support wifi

aritu try roti ni ngan mushroom soup.. mmg superb.. for my humble taste
hambel mambel pon uols kene try ok kalo ke sane....ntah2 kite same2 hambel hihi

lambchop kegemaran... mmg well done... again, for my humble tastebud...

and here for the price:

nota kaki:
ibu ros....sekiranya dgn menonton blog ini anda terasa mengidam, sile khabarkan kepade incik suami a.k.a bapa najihah...x elok ngidam2 ni... congrates for the next wave hihi

yang seakan2 mengidam...

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