wedding planning

Friday, October 23, 2009

:: I deserve THIS ::


1st time mom... happily breastfeeding..

medal for she'd survived the beginning of her motherhood

alhamdulillah...ending the rough start with flying colors

~ after 6mth ~

happily ebm-ing

medal for she'd ensured the child is 100% taking SUSU IBU
alhamdulillah....Allah knows best... kite berusaha saja la

sekian... am a happy mother...


ilya&fahmy said...

congrats..dh beso dh bb izz..aloo..nih wat aku x sabo nk ade bb gak blom rezeki ld =(

nota kaki: aku rase ko x knal si H tuh..dia dak kelas lain..

ummi Eiz said...

oh x knal ek alasan ni huhu

insyaAllah nnt ade rezeki ade la tu~jwpn std huhu~ ape yg pasti selaku org yg mengalaminye, aku nasihatkan ko supaye enjoy sementare lom ade komitmen anak2, sbb bile dh ade, byk yg ko nk buat ko x bole buat kikiki

~anak itu anugerah terindah~

hushuss said...

Congrates yana...berjaya bagi 100% susu ibu kat bb izz! I wish i can do the same too, tapi utk adik hazrat la kot...hehehe

ummi Eiz said...

hus2 tenkiuk..insyaAllah..lets hope pasni masing2 dpt girl plak kikikiki

abang izz ngan abang hazrat hihi sounds nice

Ros said...

uit..terlepas plk entry nih..nk komen gak..
lega rasanya bila dah lps 6 months kan..lps dah exclusive BF..skrg jd fully BF jer..5-7 months plg mencabar bg ibu....time ni la kena bawak EBM 20oz tiap hari pi nursery ni dia plg kuat nyusu wpun dia dah start solid foods..Anyway, lps2 tu dia dah krg minum susu, so just mentain pumping jer..klu dulu berendam air mata nk buat stock siang malam.....
Mama Eiz, keep up good work ok...