wedding planning

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

:: Tenang...Piece ::


entry kali ni ummi nk share pasal satu link..
tp sebelum tu mari dgr ummi berceloteh dulu...manusia ni, ade mcm2 care nk cari ketenangan...some of us choose to go for holidays..some might opt for playing games or listening to mozart..some might even fill their emptines with their favourite passtimes...sewing ke..buat puzzle ke...gardening ke....anyway, as a muslim, there is a way for us to clear our mind from our ever demanding life nowadays... ummi got this link from a thoughtful friend of mine....

yup quran explorer....insyaAllah by reciting the Kitab, we'll clean our innerbeing, having had a pieceful mind our action towards our own life or even to other people will becoming least lets hope so...

ni la interface die...

urs truly,
ummi eiz

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